Sunday, June 21, 2015

Fathers Day. A whole new view on it!

Fathers Day is a day that wasn't always easy for me. For many years it kind of served as a reminder that I, "didn't have a Father", and I remembering feeling resentful on Mothers/Fathers Day because of the absence of both of my parents.

God is incredibly faithful though. The very moment I TRULY chose to forgive those specifics pieces of my past, He opened a door of opportunity that allowed me to go and see my father in Chicago. When I was there, I not only made the choice to tell him I forgave him for his absence, but also to tell him that I unconditionally loved him, wasn't angry, and most of all, that God loved him too. When he passed last year, I took comfort in the fact that our last moment together was so beautiful.

And I realize this:: I've always had a Father. I was never Fatherless. My birth birth father may have not been present, but technically I did have one.. Oh, and God is/has always been my Father is the best part.

I try not to be too deep with my posts, but we overcome by the power of our testimonies. And I have a feeling one of you needs to read this. Heck, I needed to type it. Sometimes life happens and you forget how strong you are. How beautiful you are. How big your heart is. And how amazing God is in your life when you surrender.

Thanks for reading. Remember:: to those that grew up without their birth dad, you were never Fatherless. He just wasn't present. And though it hurts, forgive. Choose to celebrate amazing Dads around you. ~MelRo

Monday, February 9, 2015


Hi Friends!

Happy 2015 to you all!  I hope that everyone is amazing, well, and whole.  And if you're not any of those, then my hope is that that you're working feverishly to get to that place.  (xo) So much has occurred since my last post months ago, and I must say, it's all been for my good.  Even the hard stuff.

Quick updates:

In October of 2014, I lost my bio-logical father to a horrific automobile accident and though it was something that not only wreaked havoc on me emotionally as well as physically, the wonderful part in all of that, was that I reflected on the fact that I got a chance to meet/reconcile with him a year before he passed away.  Had I not made the decision to do so, I would have grieved in a very different way, and so I am very thankful for that.


I FINISHED MY FIRST BOOK! It's been a long time coming, and when I tell you that it required blood, sweat, and tears to see it  through, it absolutely did.  First off, the life experiences I had to grow through in order for the book to even exist was a true journey in of itself.  Then, heartbreaks, times of struggle, stress, and distraction came my way during my process of completing it.  That made me feel at many times that I'd never see it done.  BUT!!!!!!!!! It finally is complete.  I will have it available very soon for the public, and am so honored that many of you patiently waited.  Please know that I poured everything I had into it from a very transparent, real, raw place.  My only hope is that it blesses every reader.  Will keep you updated on when, where, and how to get it in your hands.

Speaking of writing, my work as a writer was featured in Heart and Soul magazine's, "Fresh" section, and it was amazing to be given a platform to get my message out.


Next up, I've still be traveling as an auto show presenter, and LOVE what I do.  I've gotten a chance to call Sacramento, Charlotte, Baltimore, and Salt Lake City my temporary homes so far this season, and it's been an amazing journey.  I've met some amazing people, seen cities that I've never been to, and got even more practice (6 years now) speaking in front of large crowds of people.  It's been wonderful, and I've got 3 more shows left!

I also had the opportunity to teach a workshop for the youth over Christmas Break. God placed it on my heart to give back to my community in lieu of receiving gifts, or giving them traditionally, and it was an amazing feeling.  Now of course, my children, and I still celebrated it in some capacity, but they knew that Mom was going to to choose to serve this year as my main focus, and they were happy with my decision.  They know my heart, and are two unselfish beings in their own right which meant that they were all the more understanding. The workshop was an AMAZING (I obviously LOVE that word) 4 hours of awesomeness, and I can't WAIT to do SO many more across the country.


Finally, I've been asked to keynote a major event on March 1 in Columbus, Ohio called The Purple Teen Party.  This year, the focus is on Self-Respect, and I am SO honored to have been chosen to be part of it.  It is a completely FREE event for the youth, and you're able to register a teen you may know for the event.  I SO hope to meet many of you there.

I'll also be holding a FREE motivational call February 10th at 9:00pm est for the first time.  I'll be talking about how to live a Purposeful Life, and I hope you all are as blessed as I was by the word that God gave me.

Want to know more about what I'm doing, or follow my journey?  Connect with me on Facebook: MelRo's Voice, or on Instagram: @melissaroshan

Wishing you love, and Light my friends!  I'm MelissaRoshan (MelRo). I am one woman, with one heart, and one voice.  Until next time...