Sunday, July 13, 2014

Ally & The Note Pad

Hello my friends,

I hope this finds you all in the most excellent spirits, and that your lives reflect how beautiful you are.

Today, I had a blessed experience, that I know will bless you all.  While you're sipping your Sunday latte, dig in:

So today at a cafe, I met a young waitress named Ally who noticed I was writing.  She asked me what I was working on, and when I told her the finishing touches to my memoir, she sat down wanting to know more.  I gave her a brief summary of the story, and we discussed what it meant to walk in freedom (which is the central theme of my book).  Ally then opened up to me, and told me that her mother has a story similar to mine, but didn't have the courage to  write because she was so overcome with hurt still.

After listening to her, what I shared with Ally was this: Even though I have the courage to write, and on I'm on the other side of where I was before, I still have my own battles that are hurtful at times.  In fact, just this week I experienced stress that at one point, made me not want to even open my laptop.  BUT, just when we think we can't find courage, peace, or strength to push forward, it's totally there for us to tap into. Yes, life is going to happen, and yes we will feel an extreme level of defeat, but everything we grow through has a unique purpose, and often it's meant to be shared with someone else.

Before I started writing my book, a woman in an airport walked up to me, and handed me a yellow notepad, and said, "You're so Precious, and God told me to tell you to write young lady".  I was so blown away at the time, but was obedient, and wrote my first 8 chapters of my book on that very notepad.  (I still have that very same notepad to this day by the way).

Just like the woman had done for me, I wanted to do the same for Ally's mother. I gave her the rest of what I had left, and told her to go buy her Mother a yellow Mead notepad today, and to tell her the lady in the cafe said:  "Start writing because we overcome by the power of our testimony".  Ally informed me that it was her Mother's birthday, and that she was going to do just that.

I say to you all: No matter what, push.  Know that courage, peace, and love has this endless well of supply that is always available for us to live in.  Additionally, don't allow your own stress, and hurt stop you from encouraging, or giving to someone else.  When we are feeling low, that is often the best time to pick someone else up.  I promise.

Wishing you love, and Light my friends!  I'm MelissaRoshan (MelRo). I am one woman, with one heart, and one voice.  Until next time...

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