Sunday, May 25, 2014

MelRo's Voice Beautiful Heart Challenge

Photo: Get Ready! It's the first ever #melrosvoicebeautifulheartchallenge and it starts Monday May 26th, 2014! ❤️Look for Day 1's challenge this Sunday!

Goal: By the end of this (7) day challenge, your heart will feel less polluted by things weighing you down. You'll feel more beautiful on the inside---where it truly counts! Each night at 8:00EST the next day's task will be posted!!

*Stay committed to the process
*Encourage your friends to join
*Hashtag: #melrosvoicebeautifulheartchallenge
*Post your process for a chance to be shouted out!

Stay Beautiful Kings and Queens! I'll be doing this with you! #beautifulgirls #hotguys #hearthealth #motivation #melrosvoice #beauty #inspire #empower #teamgrowth #sameteam

Get Ready! It's the first ever MelRo's Voice Beautiful Heart Challenge!!!!!!!!! Follow along on Instagram as well! @melissaroshan Twitter @melissaroshan.

Goal:: By the end of this (7) day challenge, your heart will feel less polluted by the things weighing you down emotionally.  You'll feel more beautiful on the inside----where it truly counts! Each morning at 7am (est) I will post the next day's challenge right on this same blog post---so check back daily!

Good luck! Xo,


Welcome to the first day of the MelRo's Voice Beautiful Heart Challenge!! As promised, I will post the next day's challenge at 8 am (est). I look forward to seeing all of your posts today! Cheers to a clean, beautiful heart! Day One/Challenge: YOU are the most beautiful when you're authentically you. Post one photo of you au-naturale (no filters, skin smoothers, allowed please) and in the caption, tell us why you are STILL beautiful even without a stitch of anything on. I know this isn't the easiest to do ESPECIALLY when the world suggests that we NEED make-up to be beautiful. Trust this process! I will never forget when I was 18 years old, I dated a guy who told me that he'd only continue going out with me if I wore make-up. It was then that I knew that not only would I NEVER accept this type of treatment from anyone else again, but that my focus would be on maintaining a beautiful heart---not my face. Here's my photo, and reason why I still find myself beautiful! "I am imperfectly powerful, unique, kind, spirited, and true. My nature is to put others before me, and to give Love unselfishly. I'm witty, playful, eclectic, funny, slow to anger, and creative. All of these things accompanied with my imperfections, make me beautiful." Proud of you all! Don't forget to tag me, and hashtag! #melrosvoicebeautifulheartchallenge

Day Two/Challenge:

To Be Reconciled, is a Beautiful Thing.

We've all be hurt by someone. Maybe it was by a family member, someone in authority, colleague, a friend, or significant other. Here's the thing: When you hold onto that anger, it is like drinking poison, but waiting on the person who hurt you to die. Makes no sense right?

Having a heart full anger, hate, holding a grudge, gossip about them etc. is the fastest way to end up feeling ugly, and eventually behaving ugly. It's also a distraction from you living freely. (Trust me) Today's challenge is this: Do something that pushes you to FORGIVE the other party, for pain that their actions have caused you. Whether it means that you have to make a phone call (not text) to the offending party to squash beef, write a sincere letter in order to make things right, meet up/schedule meeting up with an estranged family member for tea, stop posting subliminally on social media about them, you decide what is best for you. There's many ways to accomplish this.

I know this one isn't the easiest ESPECIALLY if you feel you've done nothing wrong, but this is why we call it a challenge! It's meant to stretch you for growth! Being the bigger person doesn't make you a punk by the way. It makes you powerful! For me: The following picture is of me holding my biological father's hand, after having a difficult, but well needed conversation. I traveled (6) hours on the road to see him, because I needed to do that for my growth.

After that day, I felt a sense of beautiful freedom like none other. I knew then that I had the capacity to forgive anyone if I could forgive him. I also saw how strong, and brave I was.... Before I got to the point of seeing him for the second time in my life however, I had to first ask God to heal me in that area because me doing it on my own was much too big of an issue. Once I asked, God did the transformative work on my heart, and I was off to Chicago days later.

Post some type of pic that supports what you've done today, and don't forget to hashtag, and tag me #melrosvoicebeautifulheartchallenge @melissaroshan. #forgiveness #love #peace #growth #beauty #gorgeous #letgo 
Photo: Day Two:

To Be Reconciled, is a Beautiful Thing. 

We've all be hurt by someone. Maybe it was by a family member, someone in authority, colleague, a friend, or significant other. Here's the thing: When you hold onto that anger, it is like drinking poison, but waiting on the person who hurt you to die. Makes no sense right? 

Having a heart full anger, hate, holding a grudge, gossip about them etc. is the fastest way to end up feeling ugly, and eventually behaving ugly. It's also a distraction from you living freely. (Trust me)

Today's challenge is this: Do something that pushes you to FORGIVE the other party, for pain that their actions have caused you.  

Whether it means that you have to make a phone call (not text) to the offending party to squash beef, write a sincere letter in order to make things right, meet up/schedule meeting up with an estranged family member for tea, stop posting subliminally on social media about them, you decide what is best for you. There's many ways to accomplish this.

I know this one isn't the easiest ESPECIALLY if you feel you've done nothing wrong, but this is why we call it a challenge! It's meant to stretch you for growth! 
Being the bigger person doesn't make you a punk by the way. It makes you powerful!

For me: The following picture is of me holding my biological father's hand, after having a difficult, but well needed conversation. I traveled (6) hours on the road to see him, because I needed to do that for my growth. 

After that day, I felt a sense of beautiful freedom like none other. I knew then that I had the capacity to forgive anyone if I could forgive him. I also saw how strong, and brave I was.... Before I got to the point of seeing him for the second time in my life however, I had to first ask God to heal me in that area because me doing it on my own was much too big of an issue. Once I asked, God did the transformative work on my heart, and I was off to Chicago days later.

Post some type of pic that supports what you've done today, and don't forget to hashtag, and tag me #melrosvoicebeautifulheartchallenge @melissaroshan. #forgiveness #love #peace #growth #beauty #gorgeous #letgo #brave

Day 3/Challenge There's beauty in giving. We were sent to this earth with a purpose to serve in some capacity. Did you know that when we live our lives in service to others, it becomes a truly meaningful life? Human nature is to be selfish (and while there's nothing wrong with taking care of you first) today, let go of self, making way for service.

Today's challenge is to give of yourself to someone else for no other reason than it's a beautiful thing to do. Don't expect anything in return, just give from your heart. Whether it be covering a stranger's coffee order in front of you, running an errand for a friend, set up an appointment to volunteer for a cause you believe in, or extending a hand to someone in need. GIVE.

For me: I have, and always have had the heart to give back to others. Many times however, I gave of myself to the wrong people and ended up deeply hurt. My answer wasn't to stop giving however... It was to first understand WHY this deep desire was inside of me, and then it became knowing WHEN and WHERE to give. That's how my purpose was found.

n my life I experienced a tumultuous/traumatic childhood/young adulthood, battled obesity, and was a teen homeless mother amongst other adversities. By the grace of God, I also went on to successfully model, move to New York City with my then young son, own my own make-up freelancing business, drop 74 pounds, and will soon publish my memoir.

Throughout my life, I realized that every lesson I acquired, wasn't just meant for me. It was meant for others. Every single experience was actually for the greatest good. It became my mission to use my life as a way of inspiring others along their own journeys. Not everyone has shared my same experiences, but everyone can benefit from inspiration/motivation. That's been my goal. To use my voice as a way to lift others. (MelRo's Voice). One Woman. One Heart. One Voice.

By the end of the day, watch how lovely you're all going to feel after this challenge! Remember: Don't let the person know you're doing this because of a challenge though Post a photo of how you gave! Don't forget to tag me @melissaroshan and hashtag! #melrosvoicebeautifulheartchallenge

Photo: Day 3

There's beauty in giving. 

We were sent to this earth with a purpose to serve in some capacity. Did you know that when we live our lives in service to others, it becomes a truly meaningful life? Human nature is to be selfish (and while there's nothing wrong with taking care of you first) today, let go of self, making way for service. 

Today's challenge is to give of yourself to someone else for no other reason than it's a beautiful thing to do. Don't expect anything in return, just give from your heart. Whether it be covering a stranger's coffee order in front of you, running an errand for a friend, set up an appointment to volunteer for a cause you believe in, or extending a hand to someone in need. GIVE. 

For me: I have, and always have had the heart to give back to others. Many times however, I gave of myself to the wrong people and ended up deeply hurt. My answer wasn't to stop giving however... It was to first understand WHY this deep desire was inside of me, and then it became knowing WHEN and WHERE to give. That's how my purpose was found. 

In my life I experienced a tumultuous/traumatic childhood/young adulthood, battled obesity, and was a teen homeless mother amongst other adversities. 

By the grace of God, I also went on to successfully model, move to New York City with my then young son, own my own make-up freelancing business, drop 74 pounds, and will soon publish my memoir.

Throughout my life, I realized that every lesson I acquired, wasn't just meant for me. It was meant for others. Every single experience was actually for the greatest good. 

It became my mission to use my life as a way of inspiring others along their own journeys. Not everyone has shared my same experiences, but everyone can benefit from inspiration/motivation.  That's been my goal. To use my voice as a way to lift others. (MelRo's Voice).  One Woman. One Heart. One Voice. 

By the end of the day, watch how lovely you're all going to feel after this challenge! Remember: Don't let the person know you're doing this because of a challenge though 

Post a photo of how you gave! Don't forget to tag me @melissaroshan and hashtag! #melrosvoicebeautifulheartchallenge

Day 4/Challenge

Be kind to you. You're beautiful, and you deserve it! How many times are we quick to treat our own selves ugly, but are ready to pop off on someone else when they behave this way toward us? No more! Nobody gets a pass at talking down to you, or treating you as if you're nothing. NOT EVEN YOU!

Challenge: *Do ONE thing nice for yourself by yourself that doesn't require you going into a financial/emotional/physical debt, and makes your heart feel beautifully full. Whether it's going for a bike ride on your own, gifting yourself with a spa treatment, eating a heart healthy meal, going to the gym, walking in the park, etc. Gift yourself today. You deserve it, and you've earned it.* The key is to do this on your own though, so that you can discover just how amazing your own company is. For me personally, I love having as many happy moments that I can. Life can be rough enough, why make it more difficult? I want to smile more, love harder, stress less, and flutter like a butterfly when I can. My goal is to LIVE, not EXIST.

'm an avid fan of First Time experiences (hence the Go Kart Racing, Sky Diving photo) and when I'm not getting some type of adrenaline rush (smile) spa treatments, walks in the park, or just time with myself are what keep me centered. It's been one of my sources of healing, (with God/fellowship) being the first. Now, your turn!!!! Post a photo showing how you were kind to yourselves today, and don't forget those tags/hashtags!!! #melrosvoicebeautifulheartchallenge We're almost there!

Photo: Day 4

Be kind to you. You're beautiful, and you deserve it!

How many times are we quick to treat our own selves ugly, but are ready to pop off on someone else when they behave this way toward us? No more! Nobody gets a pass at talking down to you, or treating you as if you're nothing. NOT EVEN YOU!


*Do ONE thing nice for yourself by yourself that doesn't require you going into a financial/emotional/physical debt, and makes your heart feel beautifully full. Whether it's going for a bike ride on your own, gifting yourself with a spa treatment, eating a heart healthy meal, going to the gym, walking in the park, etc. Gift yourself today. You deserve it, and you've earned it.*

The key is to do this on your own though, so that you can discover just how amazing your own company is.

For me personally, I love having as many happy moments that I can. Life  can be rough enough, why make it more difficult? I want to smile more, love harder, stress less, and flutter like a butterfly  when I can. My goal is to LIVE, not EXIST. 

I'm an avid fan of First Time experiences (hence the Go Kart Racing, Sky Diving photo) and when I'm not getting some type of adrenaline rush (smile) spa treatments, walks in the park, or just time with myself are what keep me centered. It's been one of my sources of healing, (with God/fellowship) being the first. 

Now, your turn!!!! Post a photo showing how you were kind to yourselves today, and don't forget those tags/hashtags!!! #melrosvoicebeautifulheartchallenge

We're almost there!

Day 5/Challenge
Healthy Heart Smoothie!
Now that we're feeling, "cleaner" emotionally, let's make certain we take care of our physical beings too. In an effort to keep our hearts beautiful, I absolutely have to cover the importance of clean eating.
Many of you remember that I posted about losing 74lbs of weight. Many of those pounds were comprised of emotional toxins, as well as just plain old eating bad. When I made the choice to heal, I also made the choice to clean up my lifestyle. It was like a double whammy!

Challenge: Today in addition to thinking positive thoughts, incorporate three of these Beautiful Heart smoothies I created into your day. Not only does it taste amazing, but your heart will thank you for it!

If you have an allergy, please substitute

You will need:
1. A blender (you can get a portable small blender from Target, and then just pack your ingredients with you in ziplock bags).
2.One head of spinach
3.One quart of unsweetened Almond Milk
4.One Gallon of Spring or Distilled water
5. One head of Kale
6. Two peeled oranges
7. Frozen raspberries and blueberries
8. Two capfuls of Flaxseed oil, or raw flaxseed.
1.Rinse all vegetables of any particles, and aside.
2. On a full/mini size blender, fill it up halfway with water.
3. Add your (2) capfuls of flax seed oil to your full size, for mini add one. OR 3 tablespoons of flaxseed to the full, 1 to the mini.
4.Add one handful of kale to full, half to the mini.
5.Same with your spinach
6.Add one handful of frozen berries to the full, half to the mini
7.Add three slices of oranges to your full, one slice for the mini
8.Add four table spoons of almond milk to both sizes.
Have one with your breakfast, for a snack, and with dinner. I can't wait to see your smoothie pics!!! Tag and hashtag!!! #melrosvoicebeautifulheartchalleng #smoothie #fitlife #healthy #eatclean #weightloss #fridayinspiration
Photo: Day 5

Healthy Heart Smoothie!

Now that we're feeling, "cleaner" emotionally, let's make certain we take care of our physical beings too. In an effort to keep our hearts beautiful, I absolutely have to cover the importance of clean eating. 

Many of you remember that I posted about losing 74lbs of weight. Many of those pounds were comprised of emotional toxins, as well as just plain old eating bad. When I made the choice to heal, I also made the choice to clean up my lifestyle. It was like a double whammy!

Today in addition to thinking positive thoughts, incorporate three of these Beautiful Heart smoothies I created into your day.  Not only does it taste amazing, but your heart will thank you for it!

If you have an allergy, please substitute 

You will need:

1. A blender (you can get a portable small blender from Target, and then just pack your ingredients with you in ziplock bags). 

2.One head of spinach 

3.One quart of unsweetened Almond Milk

4.One Gallon of Spring or Distilled water

5. One head of Kale 

6. Two peeled oranges 

7. Frozen raspberries and blueberries

8. Two capfuls of Flaxseed oil, or raw flaxseed. 


1.Rinse all vegetables of any particles, and aside. 

2. On a full/mini size blender, fill it up halfway with water. 

3. Add your (2) capfuls of flax seed oil to your full size, for mini add one. OR 3 tablespoons of flaxseed to the full, 1 to the mini. 

4.Add one handful of kale to full, half to the mini. 

5.Same with your spinach 

6.Add one handful of frozen berries to the full, half to the mini 

7.Add three slices of oranges to your full, one slice for the mini 

8.Add four table spoons of almond milk to both sizes. 


Have one with your breakfast, for a snack, and with dinner. I can't wait to see your smoothie pics!!! Tag and hashtag!!! #melrosvoicebeautifulheartchalleng #smoothie #fitlife #healthy #eatclean #weightloss #fridayinspiration

Day 6/Challenge
The more silent you are, the more you hear.
Not only does life get crazy busy, but we also live in a day and age when being on Social Media/smartphones/internet is part of many of our lives. (Me included).
I heard someone once say that they HAD to have some type of background music on, or the company of others, etc in order to make them feel less lonely. No judgements, but did you know that when you're silent, you tend to, "hear" the most? With people always around, or commotion always going on how do you have time to reflect?
It is in quiet time that you're really able to get your thoughts together, and become clear on where you are in your life. If there's things in your heart hurting you, conclusions you have to make, or healing that really needs to occur they'll be more likely identified when you turn the noise down.
Challenge: Today, set aside one hour of your day to just be still. This is aside from taking a nap! (Lol). During this hour, do not check your phone, computer, or speak. No music, no anything. Get to a quiet space, and just reflect.
Grab a journal, notebook, or a couple sheets of paper and write out what you hear/feel.
This challenge may sound boring to some, but you know what? You're going to be so much more clear after. By all means: if you can go for more than an hour, please do so!
For your photo, you can take a picture of the place you went to for your quiet time, your journal, etc. Get creative with your pics! We are in the homestretch now!!! I'm loving what I am seeing! Don't forget to tag, and hashtag as always!! @melissaroshan #melrosvoucebeautifulheartchallenge #om #stillness #meditation #peace #growth #selfactualized
Photo: Day 6

The more silent you are, the more you hear. 

Not only does life get crazy busy, but we also live in a day and age when being on Social Media/smartphones/internet is part of many of our lives. (Me included). 

I heard someone once say that they HAD to have some type of background music on, or the company of others, etc in order to make them feel less lonely. No judgements, but did you know that when you're silent, you tend to, "hear" the most? With people always around, or commotion always going on how do you have time to reflect?

It is in quiet time that you're really  able to get your thoughts together, and become clear on where you are in your life. If there's things in your heart hurting you, conclusions you have to make, or healing that really needs to occur they'll be more likely identified when you turn the noise down.

Today, set aside one hour of your day to just be still. This is aside from taking a nap! (Lol). During this hour, do not check your phone, computer, or speak. No music, no anything. Get to a quiet space, and just reflect.

Grab a journal, notebook, or a couple sheets of paper and write out what you hear/feel.  

This challenge may sound boring to some, but you know what? You're going to be so much more clear after. By all means: if you can go for more than an hour, please do so!

For your photo, you can take a picture of the place you went to for your quiet time, your journal, etc. Get creative with your pics! We are in the homestretch now!!! I'm loving what I am seeing! Don't forget to tag, and hashtag as always!! @melissaroshan #melrosvoucebeautifulheartchallenge #om #stillness #meditation #peace #growth #selfactualized

Day 7/Challenge

The power of Love is a beautiful thing!

I know that many of us can relate to being told we are loved, but then the person said/did something that completely contradicted what they professed. OR, maybe we told someone we loved them, but then behaved the exact opposite toward them.

As a result, we started questioning Love, because it hurt us in the past. Additionally, if we'd never been shown true Love, it became difficult to give to someone else.

Here's the thing: When love hurts, it's often because it's the other party's interpretation of love. Maybe it's that they, "love" what you can do for them, love the way you look, or love you as long as you don't anger them.

Of course, that isn't love Fam.

What is love you ask?

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7.

For me, the only reason I was able to create today's challenge is because I've lived on both sides of the spectrum. Been told I was loved MANY times, by many people, and ended up devastated. Or, I said I love you to someone, but in my own humanness failed.

Once I really began to absorb the true meaning of Love, I changed for the better. I not only knew what to expect, and accept, but also how to really treat others.

Challenge:: Go tell five people that you love them, and really mean it! Then, make a promise to yourself to show it with your actions moving forward. Additionally, really understand that anything outside of the above scripture is. not. love.

Post a photo showing your love. Be creative! Congrats on finishing! Tag, and hashtag! @melissaroshan #melrosvoicebeautifulheartchallenge

Just wanting to thank everyone that supported, and participated in the#melrosvoicebeautifulheartchallenge. I was led to do it, because I know all too well the dangers of neglecting our inward beings. If we focus on our , we will always find true gorgeous beauty there. I wasn't sure what to expect when I launched it, I just knew that I had to be obedient and DO IT. My prayer is that you all were inspired, impacted, and upgraded. I know I was. To all women out their leading empowerment movements, there's room for us all. One of us can't possibly do all the work. Continue on with what you're doing! Be that change you wish to see in the world. . I can't wait to share what's next! Thanks again! #melrosvoice #love #empower #unity #peace#beauty
Photo: Just wanting to thank everyone that supported, and participated in the #melrosvoicebeautifulheartchallenge. I was led to do it, because I know all too well the dangers of neglecting our inward beings. If we focus on our , we will always find true gorgeous beauty there. I wasn't sure what to expect when I launched it, I just knew that I had to be obedient and DO IT. My prayer is that you all were inspired, impacted, and upgraded. I know I was. To all women out their leading empowerment movements, there's room for us all. One of us can't possibly do all the work. Continue on with what you're doing! Be that change you wish to see in the world. .  I can't wait to share what's next! Thanks again!  #melrosvoice #love #empower #unity #peace #beauty

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